Tensor Tech's integrated ADCS is engineered for seamless compatibility with one or more star trackers. Our advanced estimator algorithm integrates data from multiple star trackers alongside other attitude sensors to optimize overall system performance. We support a range of star tracker vendors at the driver level, ensuring robust firmware compatibility. Incorporating additional star trackers further enhances the system’s pointing accuracy and control precision.

why using ADCS with star tracker ?
Better Absolute Pointing Knowledge, especially during eclipse
Better Absolute Pointing Accuracy
Less Pointing Anomaly due to Albedo
Star Tracker

The star tracker portfolio offers compact, high-accuracy solutions for precise attitude determination in space missions. The Twinkle star tracker delivers exceptional accuracy in a matchbox-sized component, optimizing volume, mass, and power for high availability. The Sagitta star tracker provides arc-second pointing accuracy with robust, low-cost algorithms, making it ideal for CubeSats and larger satellites. Both models are equipped with a built-in baffle to minimize stray light.

TensorADCS-10m is an integrated ADCS with a variable speed control moment gyroscope (CMG) which is suitable for satellites up to roughly 3U. This module can be installed within the tuna can or the satellite structure.